Answer for SCJP Module-1 Question-13

The Answer for SCJP Module-1 Question-13 is missing , I think the answer is option '1', Correct me if I am wrong

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Answer for SCJP Module-1 Question-13
Answer for SCJP Module-1 Question-13  The Answer for SCJP Module-1 Question-13 is missing , I think the answer is option '1', Correct me if I am wrong
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C 3  B, C , A 4. B C A Answer : (3)    
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successfully with no error Answer (4) Explanation: It has no issue with the code
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successfully with with two random number as output Answer (4
SCJP Module-1 Question-4
runtime error. Answer (1) Explanation: This program will compile and execute
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;  6 (3)    11(4)    107 Answer: (3
SCJP Module-1 Question-5
) return false; else return true; } } Select the correct sentences. Answer: (1
SCJP Module-1 Question-7
no 8 Answer (2) Explanations This program execute with printing the output
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) abstract (3) interface (4) public Answer (2) Explanations:  
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= MUMBAI; (4)    ListState state = ListState.MUMBAI; Answer (2
SCJP Module-1 Question-15
; 3) Compile and output of null 4) Compiles but gives Runtime Exception Answer
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no 10 Answer (2), (4) Explanation: This sample code compiles and execute
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; Compilation error at line number 8 Answer (2) Explanation: It prints the value of j
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; Raise runtime exception  Answer: (3
SCJP Module-1 Question-9
;      Value of j is 1 Answer (1
SCJP Module-1 Question-17
)    7(4)    107 Answer: (2
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. Collections.sort(a); 3. a = new TreeSet(a); 4. a = Collections.sort(a); Answer
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Answer : (1) Explanation : 'While' statement should contain a '
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:  int version. 4. Prints : String version. Answer : (4
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; Answer: (D) Explanation: break cannot be used outside of a loop or a switch
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Answer (4) Explanation: It compiles but raise runtime exceptions
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? (A) A A (B) A B (C) B B (D) B A Answer: (C
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roseindia.ClassA.doSomething.*; (4) import ClassA; Answer: (1) or (2) Explanation: Place
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boy girl boy (D) boy girl girl boy Answer: (B
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the correct option? (A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 0 (D) Compilation error at line no 9. Answer
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) plusX x = 1 main x = 1 Answer
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)    Raise runtime exception  Answer: (2) Explanation
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? (A) hello (B) hi (C) bye (D) Compilation error at line no 9. Answer: (B
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that cannot create instance. Answer: (D
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. (C) Compilation error at line no 5. (D) Anyone Answer: (D
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) Hello India (C) India Hello (D) India India Answer: (C
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) Compilation error at line no-8 Answer
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(D) Compilation error at line no-14 Answer: (C
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