
how to remove value from jlist after clicking on that value..??

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; JList jbossactivemqlist,jbossibmmqlist; JLabel jbosslabel; JButton... DefaultListModel(); jbossibmmqlist = new JList(jbossibmmqlistmodel... StringBuilder(); jbossactivemqlist = new JList(jbossactivemqlistmodel
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= 6877636757727044238L; JList jbossactivemqlist,jbossibmmqlist; JLabel...(); jbossibmmqlistmodel = new DefaultListModel(); jbossibmmqlist = new JList... strbuf = new StringBuilder(); jbossactivemqlist = new JList
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, 400); list = new JList(texts); list.addListSelectionListener..., "Center"); } public void valueChanged(ListSelectionEvent event) { JList source = (JList) event.getSource(); Display value = (Display
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(Locale.US); JList list = new JList(symbols.getMonths
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= null; JList list; DefaultListModel model; public Application...){} list = new JList(model); scrollpane=new JScrollPane(list...()){ model1.addElement(rs.getString(3)); } final JList list1 = new JList(model1
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{ /** * */ private static final long serialVersionUID = 6877636757727044238L; JList... JList(jbossibmmqlistmodel); jbossactivemqlist = new JList(jbossactivemqlistmodel); jbossactivemqlist = new JList