Hi sir,I have requirement i.e finding maximum value in userdefined objects and display that object only and store another collecton object.For example i taken for employe class and write for below sample code ,in this code i can findout maximum value but can't store that object into another object.Please help me how to write logic .
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set;
public class EmpList {
public static Set getList(List<Employe> list){
Employe emp=null;
public static void main(String[] args) {
List<Employe> list = new ArrayList<Employe>();
list.add(new Employe(1,"naresh", 200));
list.add(new Employe(1, "naresh", 400));
list.add(new Employe(1, "naresh", 500));
list.add(new Employe(1, "naresh", 900));
list.add(new Employe(2, "kumar", 600));
list.add(new Employe(2, "kumar", 900));
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