Already Struts FrameWork developer, so no need to create. At first learn, then try to join in enhancement program of struts. Right now u use only struts framework and develop ur project.
For practise download MyEclipse, where u got lot of facilities.
Download struts-blank war file and extract. place in below structure
Put the below structure if u using Tomcat
...........*.jsp Pages
.......................It contain ur source
...................struts-config.xml,web.xml,validator-rule.xml and *.tld files
.......................It contain the jar files
In Struts the strut.config file play main role. where u mapping b/w our jsp and class files. Here no need to create servlet class.only u have call predefine class ActionServlet.
You have to craate only Action Class and ActionForm Class (starting position) later u discuss more.
for more details visit Struts Category in this site, read the basic concept of struts.
Then started ur work.
if u face any peoblem remind me. I am always here to help u & other as my label.