Retrieving value from multiple table in database

Hi fnds, I want to maintain the financial database of 20 users for 1 year and update the details in jsp page.. so i have decided to maintain the details based on month (because the other modules in this project needs the output based on month) .. I have created 12 tables with table name - month1,month2,....,upto month12.. each table contains the data like name,amount,paiddate and balance of individual users... i want to calculate the balance of individual users.. for eg, for the user A, let the balance at month1 is 1000... if the user A balance at month2 is 2000, i want to add those balance and display it as 3000 at jsp page for month2.. pls its urgent frnds...

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August 29, 2012 at 6:11 PM

Use the given query

SELECT uname, SUM(balance) as sm FROM (
   SELECT * FROM month1
   SELECT * FROM month2
   SELECT * FROM month3
) AS somealias 
GROUP BY uname;

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