I am trying to export the 4 columns with the below code.the last column organization is a List.
String appname = "abc"; String path = "//home/exportfile//"; String filename = path+"ApplicationExport-"+appname+".txt"; String ret = "false"; QueryOptions ops = new QueryOptions(); Filter [] filters = new Filter[1]; filters[0] = Filter.eq("application.name", appname); ops.add(filters); List props = new ArrayList(); props.add("identity.name"); //Do search Iterator it = context.search(Link.class, ops, props); //Build file and export header row BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(filename)); out.write("IdentityName,UserName,WorkforceID,Organization"); out.newLine(); //Iterate Search Results if (it!=null) { while ( it.hasNext() ) { //Get link and create object Object [] record = it.next(); String identityName = (String) record[0]; Identity user = (Identity) context.getObject(Identity.class, identityName); //Get Identity attributes for export String workforceid = (String) user.getAttribute("workforceID"); //Get application attributes for export String userid=""; List links = user.getLinks(); if (links!=null) { Iterator lit = links.iterator(); while (lit.hasNext()) { Link l = lit.next(); String lname = l.getApplicationName(); if (lname.equalsIgnoreCase(appname)) { userid = (String) l.getAttribute("User Name"); List organizations = l.getAttribute("Organization"); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String listItemsSeparator = ","; for (Object organization : organizations) { sb.append(organization.toString()); sb.append(listItemsSeparator); } org = sb.toString().trim(); } } } //Output file out.write(identityName+","+userid+","+workforceid+","+org); out.newLine(); out.flush(); } ret="true"; } //Close file and return out.close(); return ret;
the output of the above code will be.for ex:
How do i get the output in below fashion
what and where i need to change the code?