How can I learn Java in 5 minutes


I am searching for the tutorials to learn Java programming. I don't know how easy or difficult is Java programming language? I am wondering how much time it will take to learn Java for a beginner? So, searching good tutorials to learn Java in less possible time. It will be helpful for me if someone gives me tutorials to learn Java.

How can I learn Java in 5 minutes?


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September 13, 2020 at 5:58 PM

How can I learn Java in 5 minutes?

It is not possible to learn Java in 5 minutes. So, you forgot about learning Java in 5 minutes. Even for learning the basics or very simple program it takes one day. You have to learn understand the basics, then download and install JDK on your computer. All these will take at least one day.

So, for learning just the basics and make one program will take one day. Check the tutorial Learn Java in a day to get started with Java.

The best course on getting into the Java world is at Java tutorials section - just go ahead and try the free Intro to Java course. If you're interested in more learning, they have hundreds of examples to choose from but they're all great quality.

You can check more tutorials at:


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