Java nested class example

Java nested class example

Give me any example of Nested Class.

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May 17, 2012 at 5:48 PM

Nested Class: Class defined within another class is called nested class. Nested class is divided into two parts-


2.Non-static Static nested class is declared static. Non-static nested class is also called inner class.


public class NestedClass{
    private String outer = "Outer Class"; //NestedClass instance variable
    InnerClass innerClass = new InnerClass();
    void getOuterS(){
    void getInnerS(){
    class InnerClass{
        private String inner = "Inner Class"; //InnerClass instance variable, uninitialized
        void getInnerS(){
        void getOuterS(){
    public static void main(String[] args){
        NestedClass nestedClass = new NestedClass();
        NestedClass.InnerClass nestedInner = InnerClass();//can also be new NestedClass().new InnerClass ();

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