recursion program

Hi this is my first java class, and i have been trying for hours to do this program. it is a recursion problem where the user will enter a continuous monthly investment, at a rate of 1% the program should say how many months will it take to reach a million dollars plus return. any help would be appreciate it because i cant see what im doing wrong.

public class FinServiceCo

  public static void main(String[] args)

    StdOut.println("We are eager to help you reach your financial goals, that is why our 
company guarantees you a 1% monthly compounded return on your investments");

StdOut.println("How much money will you like to invest today?");

double money= StdIn.readDouble();//amount of money invested monthly

    double sum = Sum(money);//total amount of money after certain number of months

    double month = Month(money,sum);//calculates number of month for sum to reach 1 million dollar

StdOut.printf("after %.2f months",month);//prints out number of months

    StdOut.print("you have reached an amount of");

    StdOut.printf("%.2f",sum);//print out the sum of money


public static double Sum( double money)


   money = (money*0.01)+money;//increase the sum by 1 percent 

  if(money>=1000000)//if the sum is over million dollars then returns it to function call

    return money;

  else//else repeat function


    money=money+money;//increse a sum by amount invested monthly

    return money;//return sum



public static double Month( double money, double month)//function to calculate number of 
months to reach 1 million dollars


  money = money*1.01;//increase sum by 1 percent 

  month=month+1;//increse a month by one

  if(money>=1000000)//if statement if sum is more than 1 million dollar return number of 

    return month;

  else//else repeat function


    money=money+money;//increse sum by money invested monthly

    month=Month( money, month);//repeat function


  return month; 


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