menu drive programm in java

calculate area of circle, square,rectangele in menu driven programme in java

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Maven dependency for - google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210207-1.31.0 is released. Learn to use google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210207-1.31.0 in Maven based Java projects
v2-rev20210207-1.31.0 of google-api-services-drive released The developers of - google-api-services-drive project have released the latest version... - google-api-services-drive library is v2-rev20210207-1.31.0. Developer can use
Maven dependency for - google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210228-1.31.0 is released. Learn to use google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210228-1.31.0 in Maven based Java projects
v2-rev20210228-1.31.0 of google-api-services-drive released The developers of - google-api-services-drive project have released the latest version... - google-api-services-drive library is v2-rev20210228-1.31.0. Developer can use
Maven dependency for - google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210419-1.31.0 is released. Learn to use google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210419-1.31.0 in Maven based Java projects
v2-rev20210419-1.31.0 of google-api-services-drive released The developers of - google-api-services-drive project have released the latest version... - google-api-services-drive library is v2-rev20210419-1.31.0. Developer can use
Maven dependency for - google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210509-1.31.0 is released. Learn to use google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210509-1.31.0 in Maven based Java projects
v2-rev20210509-1.31.0 of google-api-services-drive released The developers of - google-api-services-drive project have released the latest version... - google-api-services-drive library is v2-rev20210509-1.31.0. Developer can use
Maven dependency for - google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210606-1.31.0 is released. Learn to use google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210606-1.31.0 in Maven based Java projects
v2-rev20210606-1.31.0 of google-api-services-drive released The developers of - google-api-services-drive project have released the latest version... - google-api-services-drive library is v2-rev20210606-1.31.0. Developer can use
Maven dependency for - google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210612-1.31.0 is released. Learn to use google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210612-1.31.0 in Maven based Java projects
v2-rev20210612-1.31.0 of google-api-services-drive released The developers of - google-api-services-drive project have released the latest version... - google-api-services-drive library is v2-rev20210612-1.31.0. Developer can use
Maven dependency for - google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210628-1.31.5 is released. Learn to use google-api-services-drive version v2-rev20210628-1.31.5 in Maven based Java projects
v2-rev20210628-1.31.5 of google-api-services-drive released The developers of - google-api-services-drive project have released the latest version... - google-api-services-drive library is v2-rev20210628-1.31.5. Developer can use