netbeans program

Hi. could someone build this for me in netbeans please :)

You are required to create a basic library management system for use with books. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) is not required, i.e. your program should operate entirely at the command?line.

The set of all Books contained in the library (i.e. the contents of the library) should be held in a collection/list/array of objects of this type. Bonus marks will be given for ensuring that an item can only be in the library once. Your library should be able to contain any number of items. Your program should provide a menu of options to work with the library, including: 1) Adding a new item to the library 2) Viewing all stock in the library 3) Lending an item 4) Returning an item 5) Exiting the program

For any input outside of these menu options, an error message should be displayed and the menu should then be re?displayed. The program should not terminate until the user selects the menu option to exit the program. All menu options other than option 5 should provide an option to return to the main menu. If option 5 is selected, the user should be asked to confirm that they wish to exit the program before terminating.

Menu functionality:

1) Adding a new item to the library: When selected, the program should prompt for each of the required pieces of information about the new item, and create an object based on this information. This object should then be added to the library and should be available for lending and returning. Its information should also appear as part of the list of all stock in the library (option 2)

2) Viewing all stock in the library: When selected, the program should print out the details of every item in the library. It should also print the number currently in stock (i.e. available for lending) at that time.

3) Lending an item: When selected, the program should ask what is being borrowed. It should then increase the number on loan of that item. If the item does not exist in the library, it should ask if the user would like to enter the title again and if the user says yes, it should start the lending process again. If the user says no, it should go back to the main menu.

4) Returning an item: When selected, the program should ask what is being returned. It should then decrease the number on loan of that item. If the item does not exist in the library or the number on loan is already at 0, it should ask if the user would like to enter the title again and if the user says yes, it should start the returning process again. If the user says no, it should go back to the main menu.

5) Exiting the program: When selected, the program should display a sign?off message and terminate.

Item specifications: Book A Book should have: ? Title ? Author ? Whether it's part of a series (E.G. Lord of the Rings, Famous Five, Jack Ryan novels etc) [Default: false] ? Series name [Default: "None"] ? ISBN (ID string for books) ? Genre ? Quantity (the total number of copies available. The number of copies in stock can be found by subtracting the number on loan from this value) ? Number on loan

All types should include an equals method that takes a parameter of an Object and returns true if the parameter contains the same information as the current object (i.e. if they are equal) and false otherwise.

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