JAVA leftshift operator add 1 instead of 0

Hi Guys,

I have a task to do. If I have some some int variable and If I apply left shift operator on that, it adds "0" on left side of value.

For example, view plaincopy to clipboardprint? byte a = 5, b;
int i;
i = a << 2;

So, it will work like this, 5 as binary : 0101 1st time left shift: 01010 2nd time left shift: 010100

So, the answer will be 20.

But, I want to have "1" instead of "0"s. So, it should have something like this..:

5 as binary : 0101 1st time left shift: 01011 2nd time left shift: 010111

So, the value should be 23.

How do I do this in java. Please help me asap.

Thanks. Code Eater.

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