request to help

how to write the program for the following details in java Employee Information System

An organization maintains the following data about each employee.

Employee Class


int Employee ID

String Name

Date dateOfBirth

Date dateOfJoining


Date checkDate(String dt) - Validate date entered by the user

setDateOfBirth(Date dob) - set valid date of birth

setDateOfBirth(Date doj) - set valid date of joining

print() - prints (system.out.println) the details of the employee


Prompt the user to enter dob and doj. Check if the date entered by the user is valid or not.

If invalid date is entered, then display an appropriate error message and ask the user to enter again.

If valid date is entered, then set the member variables of the employee object with the employee id (auto -increment, assigning 1 to first employee during every execution) and date details. Invoke function print() of the employee object to print employee details.

User may enter date in any of the following three formats:

10 November 1994
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