java features

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August 22, 2008 at 10:50 AM

hai frnd..
JAVA is not neutral language...but ARCHITECTURE-NEUTRAL..
1 of the main issue of the programmers is that no guarantee exists that if u write a pgm today,it will run tomorrow-even on the same machine because everything undergoes updation....processor, OS, etc...and changes in core system can all combine to make program malfunction.
the java designers made hard attemp to alter this situation...
Their goal was: WRITE ONCE RUN ANYWHERE,ANYTIME,FOREVER...and to a great exten this was accomplished.....this is the property known as architectural neutral....

People also use the word neutral for Platform Indepence, one of the main and attractive feature of Java.

Platform independence of java is by java's unique property known as Byte code...Unlike other modern languages like C++, java program is not compiled...but interpretd into bytecode(a .class file).
This .class file can be run on any operating system provide a JVM(JAVA VIRTUAL MACHINE) is available.

thanks and regards/
[email protected]

July 6, 2012 at 5:43 PM

Although both are object oriented programming language and Java was derived from C++ but still there is big difference between these two languages.

You can see the actual difference once you start programming on it.

But here i am going to give you few differences between these two...

  1. Java does not support operator overloading

  2. A class definition in Java looks similar to a class definition in C++, but there is no closing semicolon.

  3. Forward reference declarations are not required in Java.

  4. Scope resolution operator (::) required in C++ is but not in Java.

  5. In C++ you have to re-declare static data members outside the class but such things are not required in Java.

  6. java does not use destructor.

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