applet tag requires code attribute.

import java.applet.*;

import java.awt.*;

import java.awt.image.*;

            /*<applet code=Lavatron.class width=590 height=130>

            <param name="img" value="swsm.jpg">



            public class Lavatron extends Applet implements Runnable{

                int scrollX;

                int bulbsW,bulbsH;

                int bulbS=8;

                Dimension d;

                Image offscreen,bulb,img;

                Graphics offgraphics;

                int pixels[];

                int pixscan;

                IntHash clut=new IntHash();

                boolean stopFlag;

            public void init(){


            int offw=(int) Math.ceil(d.width/bulbS)* bulbS;

            int offh=(int) Math.ceil(d.height/bulbS)* bulbS;








                MediaTracker t= new MediaTracker(this);

                t.addImage(img, 0);



                int h=img.getHeight(null);

                pixels=new int[pixscan *h];

                PixelGrabber pg= new PixelGrabber(img,0,0,pixscan,h,pixels,0,pixscan);


                }catch(InterruptedException e){};




                for(int x=0;x<bulbsW;x++)



            Image createBulbs(int w,int h){

            int pixels[]=new int[w*h];

            int bulbBits[]={









            int bulbCLUT[]={0xff000000,0x00c0c0c0,0xffffffff};

            for(int i=0;i<w*h;i++)

            pixels[i]=bulbCLUT[bulbBits[i % bulbBits.length]];

            return createImage(new MemoryImageSource(w,h,pixels,0,w));


            public final Color color(int x,int y){

            int p=pixels[y*pixscan+x];

            Color c;


            clut.put(p,c=new Color(p));

            return c;


            public void update(){}

            public void paint(Graphics g){


              for(int y=0;y<bulbsH;y++){






               scrollX=(scrollX+1) % pixscan;


            Thread t;

            public void run(){





                }catch(Exception e){};





            public void start(){

            t=new Thread(this);





            public void stop(){




            class IntHash{

            private int capacity;

            private int size;

            private float load=0.7f;

            private int keys[];

            private  Object vals[];

            public IntHash(int n){

                capacity =n;


            keys=new int[n];

            vals=new Object[n];              


            public IntHash(){



            private void rehash(){

            int newcapacity=capacity*2+1;

            Object newvals[]=new Object[newcapacity];

            int newkeys[]=new int[newcapacity];

            for(int i=0;i<capacity;i++){

            Object o=vals[i];


            int k=keys[i];

            int newi=(k & 0x7fffffff) % newcapacity;


            newi=(newi + 1) % newcapacity;









            public void put(int k,Object o){

            int i=(k & 0x7fffffff) % capacity;

            while(vals[i]!=null && k!=keys[i])

                i=(i+1) % capacity;








            public final Object get(int k){

            int i= (k & 0x7fffffff) % capacity;

            while(vals[i]!=null && k!=keys[i])

                i=(i+1) % capacity;

            return vals[i];             


            public final boolean contains(int k){

            return get(k)!=null;


            public int size(){

            return size;


            public int capacity(){

            return capacity;             


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