using if and else if statments

Hello everyone Hope all are well Just new here & already have a question.

I have a little veg shop it sells 6 apples oranges turnips patotes straberries carrots. And add the price together. oh each item has a price eg apples = .30 ect my problem is I can only buy 3 of the above items without using loops or switch or while Im beginner so only if and nested if and else if This has my head in bits for days I have the below done x6 for each product How i get it to 3 (without throwing the other 3 items away)

double oPrice, orangesCost; int oQuantity; oPrice = 0.45; System.out.println(" \t\t Product Price Calculation"); System.out.print("Enter quantity of oranges required "); oQuantity = in.nextInt(); orangesCost = oPrice * oQuantity; //calculate final cost by adding tax String fs2 = String.format(" your oranges will cost you: %.2f", orangesCost); System.out.println(fs2);

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October 24, 2011 at 12:27 PM

import java.util.*;
class Example1{
    public static void main(String[]args){
        Scanner input=new Scanner(;
        System.out.print ("please select one of the following by pressing tne number on your keypad");
        System.out.println("1. Apples");
        System.out.println("2. Oranges");
        System.out.println("3. Straberries");
        System.out.println("4. Potato"); 
        System.out.println("5. Turnips");
        System.out.println("6. Carrots");
        int fruit=0,quantity=0,totalcost=0;
        fruit = input.nextInt(); 
        if (fruit ==1){ 
                System.out.println ("Super choice"); 
                System.out.print("Enter quantity of apples required: "); 
                quantity = input.nextInt();
                int price=100;
                totalcost = price * quantity; 
        if (fruit ==2){ 
                System.out.print("Enter quantity of oranges required: "); 
                quantity = input.nextInt();
                int price=50;
                totalcost = price * quantity; 
        if (fruit ==3){ 
                System.out.print("Enter quantity of strawberries required: "); 
                quantity = input.nextInt();
                int price=200;
                totalcost = price * quantity; 
        if (fruit ==4){ 
                System.out.print("Enter quantity of potatoes required: "); 
                quantity = input.nextInt();
                int price=10;
                totalcost = price * quantity; 
        if (fruit ==5){ 
                System.out.print("Enter quantity of apples required: "); 
                quantity = input.nextInt();
                int price=25;
                totalcost = price * quantity; 
        if (fruit ==6){ 
                System.out.print("Enter quantity of apples required: "); 
                quantity = input.nextInt();
                int price=20;
                totalcost = price * quantity; 
        System.out.println("Total Cost: "+totalcost);

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