servlet doubt on online examination system

hai. sir ,i am doing project in online examination system. taken back end as mysql database. and doing the programs using java servlet.

MY PROBLEM and doubt is 1. how 2 skip question paper after the complitn of the time ....i.e onclick event is not working . 2.and hw 2 generate the radio buttns dynamically. i.e

<input type ="radio" name = " ?" >

in thz how to declare the name (for 200 of question) dynamically sir...that is v need 2 hve diffrnt 'name ' for every next question.

plz provide us code in servlet sir. its very urgent sir

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June 28, 2011 at 11:01 AM

plz can any one help me out of thz problme

June 28, 2011 at 12:17 PM

Please go through the following link:

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