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public static void main (String args[])
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System.out.println("\n\tFACULTY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY\n");
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Convert the code to GUI ??Convert the code to GUI ?? hi >>
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* @(#)
* @author
* @version 1.00 2011/12/16
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RegistorClass
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var iTanggalM = 0;
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var iTahunM = 0;
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Convert the code to GUI Convert the code to GUI can any one
convert My code to GUI code
import java.util.Scanner;
public class RegistorClass {
private int accumulator; private int instructionCounter; private int instructionRegister
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI hello..
this is my code..
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
this.totalMarks = totalMarks; //"this" keyword
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
this.totalMarks = totalMarks; //"this" keyword
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI hello..
this is my code..
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI hello..
this is my code..
import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
this.totalMarks = totalMarks; //"this" keyword
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
this.totalMarks = totalMarks; //"this" keyword
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
this.totalMarks = totalMarks; //"this" keyword
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
this.totalMarks = totalMarks; //"this" keyword
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI import java.util.Scanner;
public class StudentGrade {
double totalMarks;
String grade;
public void setTotalMarks(double totalMarks) {
this.totalMarks = totalMarks; //"this" keyword
convert this code to GUIconvert this code to GUI import java.util.*;
class Author{
public String name;
public BookList<Book>books=new BookList<Book>();
public Author(){
public boolean equals(Object node){
return name.equals