java interfaces implementation


I have defined one inter face like Maths taking methods like add(), sub(), mul()in interface

I take different implementation classes for add() method and sub()and mul()

 when i trying to implement add()mthod in Addition class it is asking sub() and mul() methods which are define in Maths interface. I want only addition implementation in addition class

how to resolve this

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June 3, 2011 at 4:40 PM

If you are implementing an interface in your java code, then you need to implement all its methods in a class. But if you want to use only add() method in your Addition class then implement three interfaces in your java code with three different methods.

Check the given code:

interface Maths1{
     void add();
interface Maths2{
     void sub();
interface Maths3{
     void mul();

class Addition implements Maths1 {
  public void add() {
    int a=6,b=4;
    int sum=a+b;
class Subtraction implements Maths2 {
  public void sub() {
    int a=6,b=4;
    int diff=a-b;
class Multiplication implements Maths3 {
  public void mul() {
    int a=6,b=4;
    int multiply=a*b;
public class InterfaceExample{
  public static void main(String[]args){
      Addition a=new Addition();
      Subtraction s=new Subtraction();
      Multiplication m=new Multiplication();

June 3, 2011 at 4:55 PM

thank you

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