how to solve this..

Given a list of students and their marks

Name | Science | Math | English | Computer

Ahmad | 28 | 100 | 66 | 34

Samad | 56 | 89 | 55 | 55

Johan | 78 | 77 | 34 | 100

John | 100 | 43 | 10 | 98

Suhana | 10 | 63 | 21 | 88

Grade :

A = 100 - 90

B = 89 - 70

C = 69 - 50

D = 49 - 40

F = 39 - 0

Create an array for students and two dimensional arrays for the marks. From this creation get :

a. Convert marks to grade for each marks of the subjects

b. List the student name that gets the highest in that class.

c. List the student name that gets the highest in that class.

d. List of student that get 100 in each subject.

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April 25, 2011 at 1:02 PM

public class Student {
    String name;
    int sub1;
    int sub2;
    int sub3;
    int sub4;
    int totalMarks;

    public void setName(String name) { = name;

    public String getName() {
        return name;

    public void setSub1(int sub1) {
        this.sub1 = sub1;

    public int getSub1() {
        return sub1;

    public void setSub2(int sub2) {
        this.sub2 = sub2;

    public int getSub2() {
        return sub2;

    public void setSub3(int sub3) {
        this.sub3 = sub3;

    public int getSub3() {
        return sub3;

    public void setSub4(int sub4) {
        this.sub4 = sub4;

    public int getSub4() {
        return sub4;

    public void setTotalMarks(int totalMarks) {
        this.totalMarks = totalMarks;

    public int getTotalMarks() {
        return totalMarks;

    public static String setGrades(int marks) {
        if (marks >= 90 && marks <= 100) {
            return "A";
        if (marks >= 70 && marks <= 89) {
            return "B";
        if (marks >= 50 && marks <= 69) {
            return "C";
        if (marks >= 40 && marks <= 49) {
            return "D";
        if (marks < 40) {
            return "F";
        return " ";

April 25, 2011 at 1:03 PM


public static void main(String[] args) {
        int mm = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
        Student data[] = new Student[5];
        data[0] = new Student();
        int sum1 = data[0].getSub1() + data[0].getSub2() + data[0].getSub3()
                + data[0].getSub4();

        data[1] = new Student();
        int sum2 = data[1].getSub1() + data[1].getSub2() + data[1].getSub3()
                + data[1].getSub4();

        data[2] = new Student();
        int sum3 = data[2].getSub1() + data[2].getSub2() + data[2].getSub3()
                + data[2].getSub4();

        data[3] = new Student();
        int sum4 = data[3].getSub1() + data[3].getSub2() + data[3].getSub3()
                + data[3].getSub4();

        data[4] = new Student();
        int sum5 = data[4].getSub1() + data[4].getSub2() + data[4].getSub3()
                + data[4].getSub4();

        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            Student show = data[i];
            System.out.println(show.getName() + "\t "
                    + setGrades(show.getSub1()) + "\t "
                    + setGrades(show.getSub2()) + "\t "
                    + setGrades(show.getSub3()) + "\t "
                    + setGrades(show.getSub4()));
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            int m = data[i].getTotalMarks();
            if (m > mm) {
                mm = m;
        System.out.println("Student obtains highest marks: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            if (mm == data[i].getTotalMarks()) {
                System.out.println(data[i].getName() + " "
                        + data[i].getTotalMarks());
        System.out.println("Student get 100 marks in each subject: ");
        for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
            if ((data[i].getSub1() == 100) && (data[i].getSub2() == 100)
                    && (data[i].getSub3() == 100) && (data[i].getSub4() == 100)) {
            } else {
                System.out.println("Not Found");

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