How to print different Messge for the same NumberFormatException on different cause objects in JAVA?

How to print different Messge for the same NumberFormatException on different cause objects in JAVA?

try { int a=Integer.parseInt(aStr); int b= Integer.parseInt(bStr); }catch (NumberFormatException ex) { if ex's cause is from int a;//ex.getCause()=a? System.out.println("a is not a integer"); if ex's cause is from int b System.out.println("b is not a integer"); }

or 2 catch block, but how to complete it?

try { int a=Integer.parseInt(aStr); int b= Integer.parseInt(bStr); }catch (NumberFormatException ex) { if ex's cause is from int a;//ex.getCause()=a? System.out.println("a is not a integer");} catch (NumberFormatException ex){ if ex's cause is from int b System.out.println("b is not a integer"); } .

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