plz check my codings are correct or not...There is an error..i cant find it..

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Student
  private String indexNo;
  private String gender;
  private char initial;
  private int mark1;
  private int mark2;
  private int mark3;
  private int max;

  public Student(String newIndexNo, String newGender, char newInitial, int newMark1, int newMark2, int newMark3)


  public void setIndex(String newIndex)

  public void setGender(String newGender)

  public void setInitial(char newInitial)
        if(newInitial != 'f' || newInitial != 'm')

  public void setMark1(int newMark1)
        if(newMark1<0 || newMark1>100)

  public void setMark2(int newMark2)
        if(newMark2<0 || newMark2>100)

  public void setMark3(int newMark3)
        if(newMark3<0 || newMark3>100)

  public String getIndex()
        return indexNo;

  public String getGender()
        return gender;

  public char getInitial()
        return initial;

  public int getMark1()
        return mark1;

  public int getMark2()
        return mark2;

  public int getMark3()
        return mark3;

  public void read()
        Scanner text= new Scanner(;
        Scanner num=new Scanner(;

        System.out.print("Enter your index No: ");
        System.out.print("Enter your Gender: ");
        System.out.print("Enter your mark 1: ");
        System.out.print("Enter your mark 2: ");
        System.out.print("Enter your mark 3: ");

  public void maxMarks()

    if(mark1>mark2 && mark1>mark3)
        if(mark2>mark1 && mark2>mark3)


  public void display()
        System.out.printf("%s %c %d %d %d",indexNo,initial,mark1,mark2,mark3);
        System.out.print("          ");
        System.out.printf("Index No %s,You earned %d",indexNo,max);

}//end of class

import java.lang.String;
public class StudentTest
  public static void main(String args[])
    Student stu = new Student("AS2010461",'f',"AS2010461",80);

import java.util.Scanner;
public class Results
    Scanner kbd=new Scanner(;

    int maxMarks;

        StudentTest stu1=new StudentTest();

        if (maxMarks>90)
        else if (maxMarks<50)
            System.out.print("Try again");
        else if (maxMarks<=90 && initial='f')
            System.out.print("Good girl");
            System.out.print("Good boy");

public void display1()
        System.out.printf("%s %c %d %d %d",indexNo,initial,mark1,mark2,mark3);
    System.out.print("          ");
    System.out.printf("Index No %s,You earned %d",indexNo,max);
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March 8, 2011 at 5:21 PM

Do modifications in

import java.lang.String;
public class StudentTest
  public static void main(String args[])
    Student stu = new Student("AS2010461","AS2010461",'f',80,90,100);

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