CDA Company is in the business of manufacturing chocolates. The company
delivers various chocolate products like- chocolate bars ,chocolate powder
,chocolate gift box and chocolate tins/packets.
Their main product is the chocolate bar which comes in various categories which
in turn is based on the size.
Category Price
10 gms 10 rs
20 gms 14 rs
30 gms 15 rs
50 gms 18 rs
100 gms 25 rs
200 gms 30 rs
There is a gift box option provided by the company which has a combination of
all these chocolates. The gift box has a flat price of rs 200.
The company 's another product is chocolate powder. The product catalog of
chocolate powder is enclosed below
Category Base Price
50 gms 10 rs
80 gms 15 rs
500 gms 25 rs
900 gms 30 rs
The chocolate powder was sold in packets and tins. If it is a tin option, the
manufacturing cost is arrived at by adding 10% of the base price as packing
The MRP is arrived at after taking into account the following taxes and levies.
· Sales Tax- 10% of the base price
· Octroi-14% of the base price
· Customs Duty-16% of the base price
The chocolates are sent in batches by the company to various
stores/outlets/supermarkets. The dispatch is done based the orders placed by
the stores/outlets/supermarkets over phone. Sometimes there may be some
defective goods which have to be replaced free of cost. The products have a 6
month expiry date from date of manufacturing and the free replacement option is
available to products which have crossed the expiry date also.
The company keeps a manual ledger to record all the above mentioned process.
A separate book is maintained to keep record of the names/address/contact info
of the stores.
The company needs an I.T solution to automate the business process. The
solution should be scalable and should be able to accommodate enhancements.
The solutions should also be able to generate reports on
1) The revenue earned product wise -bars /powder /gift box/tins/packets
2) Reports on Sales Tax/Customs Duty/Octroi collected
3) Monthly reports on the products manufactured
4) Reports on products returned category wise
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urgent - Development process at 14.99
chocolate bar at 0.85
Input 2:
1 imported box of chocolates at 10.00
1...: 16.49
chocolate bar: 0.85
Sales Taxes: 1.50
Total: 29.83
Output 2:
chocolate bar at "+i13);
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Input 1:
1 book at 12.49
1 music CD at 14.99
chocolate bar at 0.85...
Output 1:
1 book: 12.49
1 music CD: 16.49
chocolate bar: 0.85
Sales...("1 music CD at "+i12);
chocolate bar at "+i13
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Input 1:
1 book at 12.49
1 music CD at 14.99
chocolate... chocolates at 11.25
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1 music CD: 16.49
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