I am a fresher and joined recently in one company. they gave me a desktop application project using swings.here is my detailed spec Screen 1 - The user enters the ingredients from a food product, saves it, then enters the next product. Screen 2 is a summary of all the ingredients. Ingredient(s) that exceed 100% will be highlighted and in red. (For example, Corn Flakes has 50% of the RDA - Recommended Daily allowance of Zinc, Raisin Bran has 80%, Cheerios has 40%.
If we add them up, you just ate 170% of the RDA for Zinc.). Screen 2 would show that in red. If you wanted to see where the 170% came from, you would click on the 170% and go to Screen 3 which 'drills down' and shows Corn Flakes - 50%, Raisin Bran - 80%, and Cheerios - 40%.
here what is my problem is :if the user had syrup which is having 4 ingredients(zinc,iron ..etc) and he may take another tonic which is containing 6 ingredients.for that i want to have a button as "addingtrdients" .if i click on to the button textfield should be added to the screen.so please help.currently i am using netbeansIDE.
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