while compiling simple java program i get annotation error i.e
class will only be accepted if annotation processing is explicitly requested..how to solve it???
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public static void main(String args[]){
new Hello();
class Hello{
int a = 5, b = 88;
//it is giving compile time
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public static void main(String args[]){
new Hello();
class Hello{
int a = 5, b = 88;
//it is giving compile time
error .....illegal start
is one more powerful feature of
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Can not find Symbol - in.readLine();
Error Display at in Hi Friend,
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on compiling any program from command prompt....
But if I want to run that program the fetches me the following
For example for file: Test.java
C:\Program Files\
Java\jdk1.6.0_17\bin>javac Test.java
java error - Java Beginnersjava error G:\threading>javac threadmethods.java
Note: threadmethods.java uses or overrides a deprecated API.
Note: Recompile with -Xlint... been obsoleted. To get the details of your
error, compile your class with Xlint
java compilation error - Appletjava compilation error I am getting compilation
error in the following code.:
public void paint(Graphics g)
Error is:
Illegal start of expression
Plz. find why am I getting this
error Java Error - Java BeginnersJava Error E:\SUSHANT\Core
ch= reader.read();
import java.io....);
//System.out.println("Enter characters, '
q' to quit.");
Java Error - Java BeginnersJava Error Here
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import java.util.*;
import java.io.*;
public class inputdemo
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException
String bookname,author;
float price;
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If Programme saved in SortFileData also shows some
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Java_Windows_XP.htmlit will work
JAVA Error - Java BeginnersJAVA Error i have made my own calculator GUI..and i want the text...");
it send me an
error message that goes like this unknown...:
Just use
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error message like" javac is not recognized as internal...;Hi friend,
To compile and run a
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java java compilation error - Appletjava compilation error hi friends
the following is the awt front design program
error, give me the replay
what is the error - Java Beginnerswhat is the error What is the compile time
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error such as : - ? CANNOT FIND SYMBOL ? because you... this .correct code is this if you don?t want such type of
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Java Error - Java BeginnersJava Error import java.io.*;
import java.lang.*;
public class Wrapperdemo
float prin;
float rate;
int no;
float interest;
BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader
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Exception in thread "main..., give me the suggesion yo solve this problem This kind of
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" Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError"
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Note: Recompile with -Xlint:unchecked for details.
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found : byte
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Thanks Hi Friend,
Compile time
error shows syntax
compilation error - Java Beginners this program it is giving an
error as integer number is too large.why? and what is the reason? Hi Friend,
Java there are some specific literal... not in the Hexadecimal or Octal. Here is fraction of
Java code example which will help you
to solve the error - Java Beginners,
Your code having
error :
You not have declare any main method
So java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: main
error occur
and you add this main method...;
For read more information :
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i am getting
error to this code
1.write a
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banana and display the frist... am getting an
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post the problem
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Enter the HexaDecimal :
I got
error in the line String status=session.getAttribute----->
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Help me write code as instructed bellow for a
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1. Create a new Movie class which has two properties, title...://www.roseindia.net/
java compilation error - Java Beginnerscompilation error sir what is the
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after... :
C:\>javac -d . Group.java
3)For execute the programm :
java... not executing the
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1- put the Employee.java file in c
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error when compiling my program:
java:167... to be thrown
error... whatever from tc
catch (IOException ioe)
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java program,it compiled fine,but can't execute... try to solve the error.but i dont know where to correct the
i am new to
here following i post the code
import java.lang.*;
import java.io.
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We can use
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public class RecentDocumentsDelete
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Error No 3:haval already defined
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but i can compile normal
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give me answer to fix my problem