sir, how to read empty cell in excel file using poi and how to add this empty cell to arraay list and the following is my code

//here my file nameis sample.xls and this file contain some blanks cells how to read and how to print this blank cell as blank in console

public ArrayList readCSV(File fileName) { ArrayList cellVectorHolder = new ArrayList(); try{

            FileInputStream myInput = new FileInputStream(fileName);
            POIFSFileSystem myFileSystem = new POIFSFileSystem(myInput);
            HSSFWorkbook myWorkBook = new HSSFWorkbook(myFileSystem);
            HSSFSheet mySheet = myWorkBook.getSheetAt(0);
           Iterator rowIter = mySheet.rowIterator(); 

                  HSSFRow myRow = (HSSFRow);
                  Iterator cellIter = myRow.cellIterator();
                  ArrayList cellStoreVector=new ArrayList();
                  String header_name = null;

                          HSSFCell myCell = (HSSFCell);
                          //if it is empty cell in  my excel file its not added to array ist 

    catch (Exception e){e.printStackTrace(); }
    return cellVectorHolder;

public void saveToDatabase(ArrayList array)

    for (int i=0;i<array.size(); i++)
        ArrayList cellStoreVector=(ArrayList)array.get(i);
        for (int j=0; j < cellStoreVector.size();j++)
            HSSFCell myCell = (HSSFCell)cellStoreVector.get(j);
            String st = myCell.toString();
            System.out.println("values "+st);


sir, the above code is my sample code for reading excel file and print values into console here i have a problem when reading blank cells and this blank cells are not displayed in the console. so please give me solution for reading blank cell and print this blank in console. thank you.........

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