WAP to Multiplication of matrix in the way if we have the 3*3 matrix then the we create a 4 thread.
In 1 thread mul of 1 row and 1,2,3 coloume.In 2 thread mul of 2 row and 1,2,3 coloume
In 3 thread mul of 3 row and 1,2,3 coloume and in 4 thread whole mul of two matrix
|9+12+9 8+10+6+ 7+8+3 |:thread:1
|36+30+18 32+25+12 28+20+6 |:thread:2
|63+48+27 56+40+18 49+32+9 |:thread:3
Mul of both matrix :and whole mul of two matrix as thread 4
|30 24 18|
|84 69 54|
|138 114 90|
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