How to send and view data in seperate tables of a swing application, to a japser reporting(two)

I have 2 tables in one swing user interface. I want to view and get printed them in a jasper report. In the jasper report, the tables should be viewed seperately. I have done this when there is one table. I want to know do for two tables. (here I am sending two parameters as well. and this has been coded for a button action performed)

try{ JRTableModelDataSource datasource=new JRTableModelDataSource(jTable1.getModel()); String reportSource="C:/Program Files/AccsBook/Tools/DiscountInvoice.jrxml"; //"C:/Program Files/AccsBook/Tools" // the jrxml file Map<String,Object>params=new HashMap<String,Object>();

  params.put("NoItm", jTextField1.getText());
    params.put("Am", jTextField2.getText());

JasperReport jasperReport=JasperCompileManager.compileReport(reportSource);
JasperPrint jasperPrint=JasperFillManager.fillReport(jasperReport, params,datasource);
 JRViewer j=new JRViewer(jasperPrint);
    //jTabbedPane1.add("Customer Details",j);

}catch(JRException jRException){ }

Is there any one knows please answer........

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