creating reports in java

how to create reports automatically in java and send it via mail by scheduling tine for weekly,monthly basis ?

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Maven dependency for com.stimulsoft - reports version 2018.1.6 is released. Learn to use reports version 2018.1.6 in Maven based Java projects
this version ( com.stimulsoft - reports version 2018.1.6 ) in their Java project... and includes  com.stimulsoft - reports version 2018.1.6 java library...Maven dependency for  com.stimulsoft  - Version 2018.1.6 of reports
Maven dependency for com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.3 is released. Learn to use reports version 2017.1.3 in Maven based Java projects
this version ( com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.3 ) in their Java project... and includes  com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.3 java library...Maven dependency for  com.stimulsoft  - Version 2017.1.3 of reports
Maven dependency for com.stimulsoft - reports version 2018.3.4 is released. Learn to use reports version 2018.3.4 in Maven based Java projects
this version ( com.stimulsoft - reports version 2018.3.4 ) in their Java project... and includes  com.stimulsoft - reports version 2018.3.4 java library...Maven dependency for  com.stimulsoft  - Version 2018.3.4 of reports
Maven dependency for com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.4 is released. Learn to use reports version 2017.1.4 in Maven based Java projects
this version ( com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.4 ) in their Java project... and includes  com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.4 java library...Maven dependency for  com.stimulsoft  - Version 2017.1.4 of reports
Maven dependency for com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.8 is released. Learn to use reports version 2017.1.8 in Maven based Java projects
this version ( com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.8 ) in their Java project... and includes  com.stimulsoft - reports version 2017.1.8 java library...Maven dependency for  com.stimulsoft  - Version 2017.1.8 of reports