printf and println

what is the differences between printf and println?

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December 8, 2010 at 4:45 PM

Hi Friend,

The println prints the text on a new line, where as printf prints the text on the same line.


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); gotoxy(27,2); printf("SUFYAN COMPANY Pvt.(Ltd.)"); gotoxy(35,3); printf("MAIN MENU"); lin(1,80,4,205); gotoxy(28,7); printf("1. ADDITION OF RECORD"); gotoxy(28,8
); gotoxy(27,2); printf("SUFYAN COMPANY Pvt.(Ltd.)"); gotoxy(35,3); printf("MAIN MENU"); lin(1,80,4,205); gotoxy(28,7); printf("1. ADDITION OF RECORD"); gotoxy(28,8
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;FirstClass.h" @implementation FirstClass -(void)fShow { printf...)sShow { printf("This is first class."); } @end... ) { printf( "fClassObj is kind of FirstClass.\n"
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is translated to 84w104w101space99w97w116 (hint: try printf("%d",'t');) Create...(); printf("Press 1 to Encrypt"); printf("Press 2 to Decrypt"); printf("Enter...: printf("Enter the filename to Encrypt:"); scanf("%s",fname); fp1
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(sizeof(struct node)); if(temp==NULL) { printf("No Memory available...) { struct node *temp; if(p==NULL) { printf(" The stack is empty and cannot... *top = NULL; int n,value; do { do { printf("Enter the element
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] = value; } else { printf("The queue is full \n"); exit(1...) { if(*front == rear) { printf("The queue is empty \n"); exit(1... { do { printf("Enter the element to be inserted
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(struct node)); if(temp==NULL) { printf("No Memory available\n"... == NULL)) { printf(" The queue is empty can not delete Error\n"... { printf("Enter the element to be inserted\n"); scanf("
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) % MAX; if(*rear == front) { printf("The queue is full\n"..., int rear, int * value) { if(*front == rear) { printf("The queue...; do { do { printf("Enter
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