

Hi friends i have this code below, it does not want to run.pls help me i'm stuck. Thank you.

/********************/ /* UsingBoxLayout */ /* */ /********************/ import java.awt.*; import java.awt.event.*; import javax.swing.*; /** * Summary description for UsingBoxLayout * */ public class Ceeda3 extends JFrame { // Variables declaration private JLabel labH1; private JLabel labH2; private JLabel labH3; private JLabel labH4; private JLabel labH5; private JLabel labV1; private JPanel contentPane; //----- private JPanel pnlCenterBoxLayout; //----- private JButton btnOK; private JButton btnCancel; private JButton btnApply; private JPanel pnlBottomFlowLayout; //----- private JLabel jLabel1; private JTextField txfID; private JPanel pnlID; //----- private JLabel jLabel2; private JTextField txfSurname; private JPanel pnlSurname; //----- private JLabel jLabel3; private JTextField txfFirstname; private JPanel pnlFirstname; //----- private JLabel jLabel4; private JTextField txfEmail; private JPanel pnlEmail; //----- //----- private JLabel jLabel5; private JTextField txfCellphone; private JPanel pnlCellphone; //-----
//----- private JLabel jLabel6; private JRadioButton rbtnMale; private JRadioButton rbtnFemale; private JPanel pnlSex; //----- private JLabel jLabel7; private JComboBox cmbRaceGroup; private JPanel pnlRace; //----- private JLabel jLabel8; private JTextField txfPermanentAddress; private JPanel pnlPermanentAddress; //----- private JLabel jLabel9; private JTextField txfCurrentAddress; private JPanel pnlCurrentAddress; //----- private ButtonGroup btnGroup_Sex; // End of variables declaration

public Ceeda3() 
    // TODO: Add any constructor code after initializeComponent call 


 * This method is called from within the constructor to initialize the form. 
 * WARNING: Do NOT modify this code. The content of this method is always regenerated 
 * by the Windows Form Designer. Otherwise, retrieving design might not work properly. 
 * Tip: If you must revise this method, please backup this GUI file for JFrameBuilder 
 * to retrieve your design properly in future, before revising this method. 
private void initializeComponent() 
    labH1 = new JLabel(); 
    labH2 = new JLabel();
    labH3 = new JLabel(); 
    labH4 = new JLabel(); 
    labH5 = new JLabel();  
    labV1 = new JLabel(); 
    contentPane = (JPanel)this.getContentPane(); 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout = new JPanel(); 
    btnOK = new JButton(); 
    btnCancel = new JButton(); 
    btnApply = new JButton(); 
    pnlBottomFlowLayout = new JPanel();
    jLabel1 = new JLabel(); 
    txfID = new JTextField(); 
    pnlID = new JPanel(); 
    jLabel2 = new JLabel(); 
    txfSurname = new JTextField(); 
    pnlSurname = new JPanel(); 
    jLabel3 = new JLabel(); 
    txfFirstname = new JTextField(); 
    pnlFirstname = new JPanel(); 
    jLabel4 = new JLabel(); 
    txfEmail = new JTextField(); 
    pnlEmail = new JPanel(); 
    jLabel5 = new JLabel(); 
    txfCellphone = new JTextField(); 
    pnlCellphone= new JPanel(); 
    jLabel6 = new JLabel(); 
    rbtnMale = new JRadioButton(); 
    rbtnFemale = new JRadioButton(); 
    pnlSex = new JPanel(); 
    jLabel7 = new JLabel(); 
    cmbRaceGroup = new JComboBox(); 
    pnlRace = new JPanel(); 
    jLabel8 = new JLabel(); 
    txfPermanentAddress = new JTextField(); 
    pnlPermanentAddress = new JPanel(); 
    jLabel9 = new JLabel(); 
    txfCurrentAddress = new JTextField(); 
    pnlCurrentAddress = new JPanel(); 
    btnGroup_Sex = new ButtonGroup(); 

    // labH1 
    labH1.setToolTipText("This empty label is used for Horizontal Gap Setting of BorderLayout to be effective, if necessarily."); 
    // labH2 
    labH1.setToolTipText("This empty label is used for Horizontal Gap Setting of BorderLayout to be effective, if necessarily."); 
    // labH3 
    labH1.setToolTipText("This empty label is used for Horizontal Gap Setting of BorderLayout to be effective, if necessarily."); 
    // labH4
    labH1.setToolTipText("This empty label is used for Horizontal Gap Setting of BorderLayout to be effective, if necessarily."); 
    // labH5 
    labH2.setToolTipText("This empty label is used for Horizontal Gap Setting of BorderLayout to be effective, if necessarily."); 
    // labV1 
    labV1.setToolTipText("This empty label is used for Vertical Gap Setting of BorderLayout to be effective, if necessarily."); 
    // contentPane 
    contentPane.setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10)); 
    contentPane.add(pnlCenterBoxLayout, BorderLayout.CENTER); 
    contentPane.add(pnlBottomFlowLayout, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 
    contentPane.add(labH1, BorderLayout.WEST);
    contentPane.add(labH2, BorderLayout.EAST);
    contentPane.add(labH3, BorderLayout.WEST);
    contentPane.add(labH4, BorderLayout.SOUTH); 
    contentPane.add(labH5, BorderLayout.EAST); 
    contentPane.add(labV1, BorderLayout.NORTH); 
    // pnlCenterBoxLayout 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.setLayout(new BoxLayout(pnlCenterBoxLayout, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlID, 1); 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlSurname, 2); 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlFirstname, 3); 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlEmail, 4); 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlCellphone, 5); 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlSex, 6); 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlRace, 7);
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlPermanentAddress, 8); 
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.add(pnlCurrentAddress, 9);  
    pnlCenterBoxLayout.setToolTipText("This JPanel is using BoxLayout manager."); 
    // btnOK 
    btnOK.setText("    OK    "); 
    btnOK.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // btnCancel 
    btnCancel.setText(" Cancel "); 
    btnCancel.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // btnApply 
    btnApply.setText("  Apply  "); 
    btnApply.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlBottomFlowLayout 
    pnlBottomFlowLayout.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER, 6, 5)); 
    pnlBottomFlowLayout.add(btnOK, 0); 
    pnlBottomFlowLayout.add(btnCancel, 1); 
    pnlBottomFlowLayout.add(btnApply, 2); 
    pnlBottomFlowLayout.setToolTipText("This JPanel is using FlowLayout manager."); 
    // jLabel1 
    jLabel1.setText("ID no.:"); 
    jLabel1.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // txfID
    txfID.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlID 
    pnlID.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlID.add(jLabel1, 0); 
    pnlID.add(txfID, 1); 
    // jLabel2 
    jLabel2.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // txfSurname 
    txfSurname.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlSurname 
    pnlSurname.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlSurname.add(jLabel2, 0); 
    pnlSurname.add(txfSurname, 1); 
    // jLabel3 
    jLabel3.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // txfFirstname 
    txfFirstname.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlFirstname 
    pnlFirstname.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlFirstname.add(jLabel3, 0); 
    pnlFirstname.add(txfFirstname, 1); 
    // jLabel4 
    jLabel4.setText("Email Address:"); 
    jLabel4.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // txfEmail 
    txfEmail.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlEmail 
    pnlEmail.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlEmail.add(jLabel4, 0); 
    pnlEmail.add(txfEmail, 1); 
    // jLabel5 
    jLabel5.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // txfCellphone 
    txfCellphone.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlCellphone 
    pnlCellphone.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlCellphone.add(jLabel5, 0); 
    pnlCellphone.add(txfCellphone, 1); 
    // jLabel6
    jLabel6.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // rbtnMale 
    rbtnMale.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { 
        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) 

    // rbtnFemale 
    rbtnFemale.addItemListener(new ItemListener() { 
        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) 

    // pnlSex 
    pnlSex.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlSex.add(jLabel6, 0); 
    pnlSex.add(rbtnMale, 1); 
    pnlSex.add(rbtnFemale, 2); 
    // jLabel7 
    jLabel7.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // cmbAgeGroup 
    cmbRaceGroup.addItem("Select race"); 
    cmbRaceGroup.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlAge 
    pnlRace.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlRace.add(jLabel7, 0); 
    pnlRace.add(cmbRaceGroup, 1); 
    // jLabel8 
    jLabel8.setText("Permanent Address:"); 
    jLabel8.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // txfPermanentAddress 
    txfPermanentAddress.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlPermanentAddress 
    pnlPermanentAddress.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlPermanentAddress.add(jLabel8, 0); 
    pnlPermanentAddress.add(txfPermanentAddress, 1); 
    // jLabel9 
    jLabel9.setText("Current Address:"); 
    jLabel9.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(106, 22)); 
    // txfCurentAddress 
    txfCurrentAddress.addActionListener(new ActionListener() { 
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 

    // pnlCurrentAddress
    pnlCurrentAddress.setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 5, 5)); 
    pnlCurrentAddress.add(jLabel9, 0); 
    pnlCurrentAddress.add(txfCurrentAddress, 1); 
    // btnGroup_Sex 
    // UsingBoxLayout 
    this.setTitle("Application Form"); 
    this.setLocation(new Point(0, 0)); 
    this.setSize(new Dimension(815, 543)); 

// TODO: Add any appropriate code in the following Event Handling Methods 
private void btnOK_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\nbtnOK_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


private void btnCancel_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\nbtnCancel_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


private void btnApply_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\nbtnApply_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 

private void txfID_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\ntxfID_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


private void txfSurname_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\ntxfSurname_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


private void txfFirstname_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\ntxfFirstname_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 

private void txfEmail_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\ntxfEmail_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 

private void txfCellphone_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\ntxfCellphone_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


private void rbtnMale_itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\nrbtnMale_itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) called."); 
    System.out.println(">>" + ((e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) ? "selected":"unselected")); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


private void rbtnFemale_itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\nrbtnFemale_itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) called."); 
    System.out.println(">>" + ((e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) ? "selected":"unselected")); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


private void cmbAgeGroup_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\ncmbAgeGroup_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 

    Object o = cmbRaceGroup.getSelectedItem(); 
    System.out.println(">>" + ((o==null)? "null" : o.toString()) + " is selected."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here for the particular object being selected 


private void txfPermanentAddress_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\ntxfPermanentAddress_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


private void txfCurrentAddress_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) 
    System.out.println("\ntxfCurrentaddress_actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) called."); 
    // TODO: Add any handling code here 


// TODO: Add any method code to meet your needs in the following area 

//============================= Testing ================================// //= =// //= The following main method is just for testing this class you built.=// //= After testing,you may simply delete it. =// //======================================================================// public static void main(String[] args) { JFrame.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); JDialog.setDefaultLookAndFeelDecorated(true); try { UIManager.setLookAndFeel(""); } catch (Exception ex) { System.out.println("Failed loading L&F: "); System.out.println(ex); } new Ceeda3(); } //= End of Testing =


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Maven Repository/Dependency: org.elasticsearch | elasticsearch-hadoop-mr
Maven Repository/Dependency of Group ID org.elasticsearch and Artifact ID elasticsearch-hadoop-mr. Latest version of org.elasticsearch:elasticsearch-hadoop-mr dependencies. # Version Release Date
Maven dependency for org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 6.8.10 is released. Learn to use elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 6.8.10 in Maven based Java projects
of elasticsearch-hadoop-mr released The developers of   org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr project have released the latest version... - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr library is 6.8.10. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 7.5.1 is released. Learn to use elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 7.5.1 in Maven based Java projects
of elasticsearch-hadoop-mr released The developers of   org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr project have released the latest version of this library... - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr library is 7.5.1. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 7.0.0-rc1 is released. Learn to use elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 7.0.0-rc1 in Maven based Java projects
of elasticsearch-hadoop-mr released The developers of   org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr project have released the latest version... - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr library is 7.0.0-rc1. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 6.2.0 is released. Learn to use elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 6.2.0 in Maven based Java projects
of elasticsearch-hadoop-mr released The developers of   org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr project have released the latest version of this library... - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr library is 6.2.0. Developer can use this version
Maven dependency for org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 7.3.1 is released. Learn to use elasticsearch-hadoop-mr version 7.3.1 in Maven based Java projects
of elasticsearch-hadoop-mr released The developers of   org.elasticsearch - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr project have released the latest version of this library... - elasticsearch-hadoop-mr library is 7.3.1. Developer can use this version
