Java Compiler Error
I get this error when i compile this Java inheritance OOP. What I'm i doing wrong.
F:\Java\ cannot find symbol
symbol : constructor ProductionWorker(java.lang.String)
location: class ProductionWorker
ProductionWorker newProd = new ProductionWorker("Johnsmith");
1 error
Tool completed with exit code 1
This is from my codes as below
public class ProductionWorker extends Employee
public String Shift;
public double PayRate;
//Default constructor
//Post condition: fname,mName,lName = ""
public ProductionWorker()
PayRate = 0.0;
Shift = "";
public ProductionWorker(String firstlast, String shift, double rate)
PayRate = rate;
Shift = shift;
//Method to return the first middle last names
//Post condition: The values of fName,mName and lName
//are return as strings
public String toString()
String str = super.toString();// + Shift);// + 18.50);
return str;
//Method to set fName = first, mName = middle, lName = last
//Post condition: fName,mName,lName = first,middle,last respectively
public double Pay()
return (PayRate);
//Method to get the fname
//Post condition: fName is return
public void setPayRate( double rate)
PayRate = rate;
//Method to return the last name
//Post condition: lName is return
public double getPayrate()
return PayRate;
public void setShift(String shift)
Shift = shift;
public String getShift()
return Shift;
and Employee class also as follows. The ProductionWorker Extends Employee Class.
public class Employee
private String firstlastname;
private String hiredate;
private String empnumber;
private String isValidEmpNum;
//Default constructor
//Post condition: fname,mName,lName = ""
public Employee()
empnumber = "";
hiredate = "";
firstlastname = "";
public Employee(String firstlast)
public void setName(String firstlast)
firstlastname = firstlast;
public String getfirstlastname()
return firstlastname;
public String toString()
return (firstlastname);// + "" + empnumber + " " + hiredate );
public void setNumber(String number)
empnumber = number;
public String getempnumber()
return empnumber;
public void setDate(String date)
hiredate = date;
public String gethiredate()
return hiredate;
public void empvalidation(String isValidEmpNum)
if (isValidEmpNum == null)
System.out.println ("Employee Number is invalid");
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