java exception handling

hi while i am compailing the program given below i am getting an error please help me as soon as possible

class insufbal extends Exception
public insufbal(String str)

public class bank
private int acc_id;
int wd_amt;
private String acc_name;
private double acc_bal;
BufferedReader br=new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
public bank()
public void init()
String temp;
System.out.println("enter the account number");
System.out.println("enter the account holder name");
System.out.println("enter initial account balance");
catch(IOException ie)
public void deposit()
String temp;
System.out.println("enter the deposit amount");
catch(IOException ie)
void withdraw() throws insufbal
String temp;

System.out.println("Enter the withdrawl amount");
insufbal insb=new insufbal("insuficient balance inyour account");
throw insb;
public void show()
System.out.println("\n Account Details");
System.out.println("Account number:"+acc_id);
System.out.println("Ac_holder name:"+acc_name);
public static void main(String args[])throws IOException
bank b=new bank();
catch(insufbal insb)

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