how to get a values from processRecord

dear sir,
i have a problem in getting a values from java to jsp.Here jsp is used to read a excel sheet that intern call a java program so i want a column values i.e a column contains a email id these values to be inserted into a CC text area so please help me sir...
thanks in advance..

//in jsp
FileInputStream fin = new FileInputStream(filename);

POIFSFileSystem poifs = new POIFSFileSystem(fin);
InputStream din = poifs.createDocumentInputStream
HSSFRequest req = new HSSFRequest();
req.addListenerForAllRecords(new FindStringCellsValues());
HSSFEventFactory factory = new HSSFEventFactory();
factory.processEvents(req, din);

//in java

public void processRecord(Record record)
switch (record.getSid()) {
case SSTRecord.sid:
sstrecord = (SSTRecord) record;
for (int k = 0; k < sstrecord.
getNumUniqueStrings(); k++)
System.out.println("String table value " + k + " = " + sstrecord.getString(k));
arlValue.add(sstrecord.getString(k)) ;
hashtable.put(k,sstrecord.getString(k) );

case LabelSSTRecord.sid:
LabelSSTRecord lrecord = (LabelSSTRecord) record;
System.out.println("String cell found with value \t"
+ sstrecord.getString(lrecord.getSSTIndex()));

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