in this program when i click on submit button, the corrosponding value of combo box should be sent. but when i clicked to submit button, it do nothing."logic.jsp?school=<%=school%>&&class_name="+cla+"&&from_year="+y1+"&&to_year="+y2);
<tr><td style="width: 11px"> <span>Class</td> <td><select name="class_name" onchange="call(this);" >
<tr><td style="width: 11px"> <span><input type="button" value="Result" onclick="sendData();"></td></tr>
Related Tutorials/Questions & Answers:
how to select second combobox value .how to select
second combobox
value .
I requirement is ,
i have two
combo box,
i am selected
first combo box value then automatically
second combo box value show ,But this both
combo box value i retrieves in database.
how to get combo box value - JSP-Servlethow to get
combo box value
i have created 1 servlet & 1 jsp page... in
combo box in jsp page:
(small part of my code)
i want the id in servlet page, that
i have associated with
value i.e
"> bcoz
i hav
combo box value combo box value i want to populate one
combo box value based on another
combo box value using ajax
<%@page...' onchange="showState(this.value)">
combo box value combo box value i want to populate one
combo box value based on another
combo box value using ajax
<%@page import...' onchange="showState(this.value)">
Combo box value Error - WebSevicesCombo box value Error
document.frmProposal.hdVisa.value = document.getElementById('cmbVisa').
Error: The "cmbVisa"
Value is Null,This error will displayed for these coding.So tell me
combox value are not show in a JSP - JSP-Servletcombox value are not show in a JSP
i have a
combo box in a JSP... show null.
please let me
how i can find the
value of
combo box on logic.jsp....;%
How to create Combo Box in SWT
How to create
Combo Box in SWT
This section illustrates you
how to create a
combo box... an action on the
second combo box. The items tea ,
coffee and cold drink
how to get selected name from combo box how to get selected name from
combo box i have fetched all records of worker i.e worker name. on a test.jsp
and dispayed it into
combo box of worker name within d
combo box and
display that id into a text
how to get selected name from combo box how to get selected name from
combo box i have fetched all records of worker i.e worker name. on a test.jsp
and dispayed it into
combo box of worker name within d
combo box and
display that id into a text
Store combo box value - Development processStore
combo box value Hi , this is my code. Here wen
i click submit button
combo values are stored like 1,2,3... but
i want to store
value . plz send me code.
while validating a form,
i have entered data in
first field
how to get selected name from combo boxhow to get selected name from
combo box
i have fetched all records of worker i.e worker name. on a test.jsp
and dispayed it into
combo box of worker name within d
combo box and
display that id into a text
plz answer
how to get selected name from combo boxhow to get selected name from
combo box
i have fetched all records of worker i.e worker name. on a test.jsp
and dispayed it into
combo box of worker name within d
combo box and
display that id into a text
plz answer
how to get selected name from combo boxhow to get selected name from
combo box
i have fetched all records of worker i.e worker name. on a test.jsp
and dispayed it into
combo box of worker name within d
combo box and
display that id into a text
plz answer
how to create a combo box in htmlhow to create a
combo box in html <tr>
<td>Number<span class=mandatory>*</span></td>
<select name="number" id="course" style="width:158px;">
Combo Box operation in Java Swing the
Box component, you will learn
how to add items to the
combo box... and two
command buttons,
first is for the adding items to the
combo box and another... if the
combo box has one item at least otherwise a message
box will
display How to get the values from the Combo Box - JSP-Servlet,
i am getting the values in the
combo box from table.I want what ever the
value i select in
combo box its corresponding records will
display in their respective text
e.g suppose
i select ram values from the
combo box and its
Loading combo box from oracleLoading
combo box from oracle
how can
i load values into a combobox from oracle database when a
value is selected in another
combo box Problem With Combo Box Editable PropertyProblem With
Combo Box Editable Property Hi
I am new To Flex
i had set
Combo Box Editable Property as true.
I didn't get the property filtering... Started with "S"
will Automatically
Display as
Combo Box Items.
So will you
date in combo boxdate in
combo box strong texthello,
how can
i desplay the current year and next year in
combo box???!!!
it must be uppdate atumaticaly every year>>>
combo boxcombo box Hi,
[_|] dropdown
My question is
i want to develop a screen like this using jsp-servlet(or DAO,DTO),in that drop down
box i should get
combox combox i have one table in database item master..if
i select one item throug
combo box than other combobox show item price only select item name...
how i can implement through jsp in a single jsp page.
We have used
JavaScript Dynamic Combo Box in respective arrays. As the user
selects a country from the
first combo box, the cities...:
On selecting the
value from the
first combo, related values...JavaScript Dynamic
Combo Box
Here we are going to create dynamic
combo box Dojo Combo BoxDojo
Combo Box
In this section, you will learn what is
combo box and
how to create a
combo box in dojo. For creating the
Combo box you need "
Combo Box - StrutsCombo Box
I hava acombo
box cnnected to my database via html collections. When selecting an option,
i want to
display specific parts (sectons) on my web trying to use logic:present and logic:empty but its not working
assigning arraylist to combo boxassigning arraylist to
combo box Hi
I am busy coding the Airline Reservation program,
i have an arraylist of locations which
i want to assing to the
combo box. please help