JSP associative array

Does JSP objects acts like associative array?

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array  write and test a function named mirror that is passed an array of n floats and returns a newly created array that contains those n floats... the array {10.1,11.2,8.3,7.5,22} into{22,7.5,8.3,11.2,10.1
array  write and test a function named mirror that is passed an array of n floats and returns a newly created array that contains those n floats... the array {10.1,11.2,8.3,7.5,22} into{22,7.5,8.3,11.2,10.1
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array  array memory allocation is dynamic or static in java   Java Arrays have dynamic memory allocation
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accepts a pointer to integer which represents an array of integer.After that this method prints the entire of the array numbers to the monitor. include using std::cout; using std::endl; void printArray(int *array, int count
array  How to store the results of mysql query in an array... qurey in array: "select distinct(EMPLID)from tblwork where EMPLID not in (select... store the result in array
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how to pass string array from action class to jsp page? pls reply me.  how to pass string array from action class to jsp page? pls reply me.  ...); And through your jsp page, get array values. <% try { String[] str = (String
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What is an Assiciative Array in PHP ?
What is an Assiciative Array in PHP ?  Hi, I am fresher in PHP scripting Language. I am very confused how to define the associate array in PHP? I need any example related to PHP Associative Array. So feel free for any suggestion