My requirements: Display total error count of error description of each database server (column wise). like this:
Description DBServer1 DBServer2
Error1 10 22
Error2 20 30
Error3 66 32 ..
in table of each database having two columns: description, error. but data is dynamic. one database having 2 rows and another database could have 10 rows. so database should be mapped.(error with descrption)
program read a properties file where database server ip is defined and fill a array list with database server ip's. and using a loop over this database server ips to create db connection and all the tasks.
HashMap hm=null; public HashMap getHm() { return hm; } public void setHm(HashMap hm) { = hm; } public String countErrorData(){ //String[][] tempArray = null; // ReadDBFile(); hm=new HashMap(); for (int j=0; j<dbSizeList.size();j++){ //mdList= new ArrayList(); //ArrayList errorCountList1= new ArrayList(); serverurl=String.valueOf(dbSizeList.get(j)); try { String connectionUrl=null; Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); connectionUrl = "jdbc:mysql://"+serverurl+":"+Global.myport+"/"+Global.database+"?" + "user="+Global.myuser2+"&password="+Global.mypasswod+"&autoReconnect=true&useUnicode=true&characterEncoding=utf8"; conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connectionUrl); stmt=conn.createStatement(); query="select distinct err as Description,count(error) as TotalErrors from tablename where err!='NA' GROUP by ERR ORDER BY TotalErrors desc"; System.out.println("error query:"+query); try { ArrayList errorList= new ArrayList(); rs=stmt.executeQuery(query); rs.last(); row_count=rs.getRow(); rs.beforeFirst(); column_count=dbSizeList.size(); //tempArray = new String[row_count][column_count]; while ( { hm.put(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)); //errorCountList1.add(rs.getString(2)); } dbURLList.add(serverurl); /*for(int row=0; row < row_count; row++){ for (int i = z; i <= z; i++) { tempArray[row][i] =(String)errorCountList1.get(row); System.out.println("tempArray["+row+"]["+i+"]: "+tempArray[row][i]); mdList.add(tempArray[row][i]); } }*/ } catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } }catch(Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } request.setAttribute("row_count", String.valueOf(row_count)); request.setAttribute("column_count", String.valueOf(column_count)); request.setAttribute("dbURLList", dbURLList); return "success"; } jsp code: <form id="myForm" method="post"> <% String column_count= (String)request.getAttribute("column_count"); List dbURLList= (List)request.getAttribute("dbURLList"); %> <H2 align="center">Error Details</H2> <table border="1" align="center"> <tr><td>Description</td> <% for (int i = 0; i < Integer.parseInt(column_count); i++) { %> <td> <%=dbURLList.get(i)%> </td> <% } %> </tr> <c:forEach items="${hm}" var="entry"> <tr><td> ${entry.key}</td><td> ${entry.value}</td></tr> </c:forEach> </table> </form> It display the data of last database server and it show in first column of database server column. suppose i have 2 database. it is showing like this: Description localhost localhost Error1 138086 Error2 1500 Error3 99 How i deal with this situtaion. should i set the data in a pojo and display the data in row wise. but database server ip is not fix. there may be 2 database or may be 5 database. Mapping (decription with error count of each database) on jsp is also a issue .
In your code:
while ( { hm.put(rs.getString(1), rs.getString(2)); //errorCountList1.add(rs.getString(2)); }
After getting data rs.getString(1) you can dispaly with the code out.println(rs.getString(1)) on jsp page.
Please check tutorial: Display Data from Database in JSP.