How to obtain the selected data item from a list box when listbox contains objects wrapped under Arraylist?

How to obtain the selected data item from a list box when listbox contains objects wrapped under Arraylist?

I have a jsp page containing a list box and a text box. I am sending an Array List object from a servlet to this jsp page. The listbox gets populated by the data contained in the arraylist. Now, I want to copy the selected item(one at a time) from the list box to the text box. I am unable to do it. Can someone help?

protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { String dburl = "jdbc:mysql://localhost/sdata"; String user = "dbuser"; String password = "abcd"; ResultSet rs = null; Connection conn=null; PreparedStatement pst = null; ArrayList<User> userlist=new ArrayList<User>();

int x=0; try { Class.forName("com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"); conn = DriverManager.getConnection(db_url, user, password);

String srchtext = request.getParameter("srchtext1"); String radio = request.getParameter("searchradiobox");

if ("teamname".equals(radio)) { pst = conn.prepareStatement("select * from User where team like ?"); pst.setString(1, "%"+srchtext+"%"); } else{ pst = conn.prepareStatement("(select * from User where fname like ?)union (select * from User where lname like ?) "); pst.setString(1, "%"+srchtext+"%"); pst.setString(2, "%"+srchtext+"%"); } rs = pst.executeQuery(); while({ User soluser=new User(); User.setdata(rs.getString("fname"),rs.getString("lname")); userlist.add(x,soluser); x=x+1;
} } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally{ try{ if(rs!=null) { rs.close(); } if(pst!=null) { pst.close(); } if(conn!=null) { conn.close(); } }catch(Exception e){ e.printStackTrace(); } } request.setAttribute("datalist",userlist ); RequestDispatcher rd=request.getRequestDispatcher("expageeditbeta.jsp"); rd.include(request,response); }

The User class is a POJO class. public class User{ String fname; String lname; public void setdata(String a,String b){ fname=a; lname=b; } public String getfname(){ return fname; } public String getlname(){ return lname; } }

The jsp page:
<%! int num=0; String uname; User obj; User objtemp; int limit=0; int index; String nametemp; ArrayList ulisttemp; ArrayList ulist; %>

     User Name
     Team Name
 Search By

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