Extracting table from Access Database to Servlet

Sir, I have a table with 4 field deptid, headid, normalexpend and projectexpend. Now I have to display a consolidated data where sum of normal_expend under particular head for all depts need to be displayed. For ex. dept d1 has spend 400 under head h1. dept d2 has spend 500 under h1. So the output under Head h1 on result page should show 900. I have written the query as : Select sum(h1) from expend where head_id="h1". The problem is that I have 20 heads and 10 depts which means I'll have to write this query around 30 times.

'Statement stat=con.createStatement(); ResultSet res=stat.executeQuery("select SUM(ne) from expenditure1 where headid=H1"); while(res.next()) { A_n = res.getInt(1); }'

I'm querying the data like this so does this mean i have to write the set of statements given above for all 20 heads. What is the correct method of doing this please somebody explain me.

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