Thank you for this program, it helped me alot to learn.
I have done it.
now i want to insert all selected values in data base correspondent to each like if user selected india and then goa.
I want to insert it to a table which has two fields "SelectedCountry" and "SelectedState" and "SelectedCity". Help me.
Thanks in advance.
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hai everyone,
i'm a fresher to servlet i need to know that, how can i insert all the
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Thanks in advance
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I am following... of a
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Flow of the process :
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dropdown selected value in same page without refreshing page in
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Try the following code:
1... to use this textbox value to fetch
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Please help me.
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selected : " + dropdownValue);
jsp dropdown refresh - JSP-Servletjsp dropdown refresh Sir
Thank u for your
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i have static
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