" name="description">

include a delete option in every row of table in a JSP page

I have the following code of a JSP page...........

  <p>&lt;%@taglib prefix="c"
  uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%> &lt;%@taglib prefix="sql"
  %> <sql:setDataSource
  user="root" password="shubham"/>
  <sql:query var="rs" sql="select* from
  login"> </sql:query> <html>
          <title>JSP Page</title>
          <table border="1">
              <tr><td>Username </td><td>Password</td><td>Role</td><td>Edit</td><td>Delete</td></tr>
              <c:forEach var="data" items="${rs.rows}">
      </body> </html></p>

Now, I want that on clicking on Delete it should delete the particular record from the database and reflect the change on the page..............also if the user clicks on edit then he can change the password and role but not the username.........

please provide the code for this purpose........i.e edit.jsp and delete.jsp in JSTL only........

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