use data from database as hyperlink and pass the data in the hyperlink

Hi Friends,

I am using the data from database as hyperlink and pass the data as a parameter in the hyperlink to a servlet page. By using display table and display tag property I have displayed a column data as hyperlink. I want to pass the 1 or two colum data into the hyperlink.I have tried but in the hyperlink column it pass the first row's data for all the hyperlink rows instead of the respective data. Pls help me on this...

My code is :

String hypcolumn="ViewReport?reportname=" + repname + "¶m=" + parameter;

In the JSP page for repname and parameter value I wrote a logic to get it from the column data. The logic works perfectly and return the parameter of each data in the column.I have displayed the hyperlink as below.

display:column property="s3" title='<%=c2%>' sortable="true" href='<%=hypcolumn%>' /

If I execute the program, the column data as hyperlink and all the data links are passing the first parameter only. I wan to pass the respective data of the column.

Please help me on this

Regards, Selva

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