i want to put alert on the text box that enter data should be in DD/MM/YYYY format only through javascript validation.
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alert for validationalert for validation i want to put
alert on the text box that enter data should be in DD/MM/YYYY format only through javascript
if (cpos1==-1 || cpos2==-1){
alert("The date format must be : dd/mm/yyyy
alertalert after pressing ok button in
alert message it has to stop...;
alert("Enter Username!");
return false;
alert("Enter Password!");
return false;
return true;
JSP Alert
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validation we create a JSP file
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validation.....validation..... hi..........
thanks for ur reply for
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My Python program is throwing following error:
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named '
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alert ("This field is required. Please enter phone number without dashes
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alert box in iphonealert box in iphone hello,
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JavaScript display variable in alert in
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alert(name +" is in "+ city);
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Getting content of alert message into textfieldGetting content of
alert message into textfield how to get content of
alert message into textfield using javascript
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1)If you want the code in java, then here
jQuery alert()jQuery
In this jQuery tutorial we will discuss how an
alert box works in jQuery. Moreover, this tutorial will discuss in details about
alert box in jQuery.
In the given application here,
alert boxes have been used to provide
Information Save AlertInformation Save Alert Hi, Sir
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jQuery Hello World alert jQuery Hello World
alert example
... display "Hello World"
alert box using jQuery. This application will use the JavaScript
alert() method
to display the "Hello World" message
validation filesvalidation files If I place
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jQuery alert()jQuery
In this section we will discuss about
alert box in jQuery.
In an application
alert boxes are used to provide information at run time...
information at runtime.
Alert box can be popped up after happening an event