JSP Financial Year Table

Im trying to design a financial year table...wherein the user enters the data in the table and the same is updated in backend.i have successfully desinged the page but i have certain doubts in jsp code.the table is as follows:

MS_target   HSD_Target       ALPG_Target    Lubes_target

The HTML code is fine but im confused on to the JSP part as using an array is not possible. I have tried using the hastable by creating a hashmap for all the months. is it fine to use hashmap...or else kindly suggest me to some alternative.I have given names for all fields separately.also suugest me a code on how to iterate through all the fields.

HashMap april= new HashMap();
april.put("aprMS",new Integer(1)); 
april.put("aprHSD",new Integer(2)); 
april.put("aprALPG",new Integer(3)); 
april.put("aprLubes",new Integer(4)); 

Like wise i ahve created hashmap for all months.but i have doubts on how to read the hashmap data and insert the same in database. Kindly help.

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