How to get the data from the database (Oracle) in console or in ie using servlet or jsp as Front end

hello i have a simple problem in jsp in the sense to get data from the database like oracle . I have created one jsp program like this <% PreparedStatement ps; Connectin con; Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DrivergetConnection("jdbc:odbc:DNSName","scott","tiger"); ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery("select from Table1"); if( { out.println(rs.getInt(1)); out.println(rs.getString(2)); out.println(rs.getString(3)); out.println(rs.getInt(4)); } rs.close(); ps.close(); con.close(); %> Dont worry abut the Implementing of JSP Directives ,ihave given correctly But now when i the save this program in JSP it is alright then when i opened the Tomcat and getting the necessary path ,iam clicking on the JSP file i am not getting any thin in the internet Browser.i have given the data (Table1) in the that data should come on the Browser. but not getting.So kindly the RoseIndia netizens help to solve the problem.

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October 8, 2011 at 1:25 PM

hello i have a simple problem in jsp in the sense to get data from the database like oracle . I have created one jsp program like this

<@ page session="false"%> <@ page import="*" import="java.sql."%> <%try { PreparedStatement ps; Connectin con; Class.forName("sun.jdbc.odbc.JdbcOdbcDriver"); con=DrivergetConnection("jdbc:odbc:DNSName","scott","tiger"; ps=con.prepareStatement(); ResultSet rs=ps.executeQuery("select from Table1"); if( { out.println(rs.getInt(1)); out.println(rs.getString(2)); out.println(rs.getString(3)); out.println(rs.getInt(4)); } } catch(Exception e) {} rs.close(); ps.close(); con.close(); %>

But now when i iam saving this program in JSP it is alright , when i opened the Tomcat and getting the necessary path then i clicked on the JSP file i,but i am not getting any thing in the internet Browser.i have given the data (Table1) in the that data should come on the Browser. but not getting.So kindly the RoseIndia netizens help to solve the problem

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