pass a variable(friends name) through a hyperlink in to another jsp.

hi friends, i am developing a site in jsp. i have some problem,plz tell me the solution.

problem: in the welcome page where friends name is show i write this code:

<a href="home2.jsp?value=friend_name1">
<%=resultset.getString("first_name") %></a>
<% String friend_name1=resultset.getString("first_name"); %>

by this code user friends is shown,and make a link,when i click on a friends name for showing friend profile, there is a error,by this error profile is not showing, i found this error,profile is not showing bcoz when i click on a friends name,all friend name is passed in to the next page,but i want to pass a specific friend name which i was clicked,plz tell me how i do this?


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