Sort Result set

I build a connect for my page with the database and then read all rows and show it in a table, I want to change the view of my data to be sorted uppon a specific column when click on the column name, so what to do? I think of two choices: 1- if the column name is a button. 2- if the column name is a hyperlink.

also how to delete a row from the table? if I have a button beside each row called delete, if you have a better idea please get it for me but please I need the easer one.

for the both I don't know how to connect the code and how call a function to do sorting and reiew data again. pleasse I need a complete example

thanks Jar

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April 9, 2011 at 4:08 PM


Have a look at the following link: Shorting Table View By Column Name


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