How to store data entered by User in JSP page in XML file

How to store data entered by user in JSP page to be saved in XML file.On clicking submit button data entered by a user in a page must be saved in XML file.How to do so? Example: a user will enter empid,emp name ,email id on a particular page.How it will be saved in Emp.xml (I am using Jdeveloper) Please give steps in detail

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March 7, 2011 at 11:51 AM

JSP store data entered by user into XML file


<form method="post" action="createxml.jsp">
<tr><td>Name:</td><td><input type="text" name="name"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Address:</td><td><input type="text" name="address"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Contact No:</td><td><input type="text" name="contact"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Email:</td><td><input type="text" name="email"></td></tr>
<tr><td></td><td><input type="submit" value="Submit"></td></tr>


<%@page import="*,org.w3c.dom.*,javax.xml.parsers.*,javax.xml.transform.*, javax.xml.transform.dom.*,*"%>  

        public void createXmlTree(Document doc,String name,String address,String contact,String email) throws Exception {
        Element root = doc.createElement("Employee");

        Element child1 = doc.createElement("Name");

        Text text1 = doc.createTextNode(name);

        Element child2 = doc.createElement("Address");

        Text text2 = doc.createTextNode(address);

        Element child3 = doc.createElement("ContactNo");

        Text text3 = doc.createTextNode(contact);

        Element child4 = doc.createElement("Email");

        Text text4 = doc.createTextNode(email);

        TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance();
        Transformer transformer = factory.newTransformer();

        transformer.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, "yes");

        StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
        StreamResult result = new StreamResult(sw);
        DOMSource source = new DOMSource(doc);
        transformer.transform(source, result);
        String xmlString = sw.toString();

        File file = new File("c:/emp.xml");
        BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(file));

      String name=request.getParameter("name");
      String address=request.getParameter("address");
      String contact=request.getParameter("contact");
      String email=request.getParameter("email");
      DocumentBuilderFactory builderFactory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance();
      DocumentBuilder docBuilder = builderFactory.newDocumentBuilder();
      Document doc = docBuilder.newDocument();

      out.println("<b>Xml File Created Successfully</b>");
  catch(Exception e)

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