JSP web hosting


What is web hosting? How I can host my JSP/Servlet based applications? How to create a jsp web hosting environment on dedicated server?


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February 16, 2011 at 9:41 AM

Web Hosting

Web hosting server provides space on internet for hosting your web application. You have to register a domain. Take hosting space from hosting company and then upload your files on the server to make it available for users.

Hosting JSP/Servlet applications

You have to take hosting service with the JSP/Servlet support. You can host your JSP/Servlet application on JSP/Servlet enabled hosting server.

Setting up Tomcat on hosting server You have to

a) Install Java

b) Install Tomcat

c) Configure Tomcat to run a service

d) Configure domains

Once all the above this are done you can host your java based web applications on your server.


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