Display JSP selected listbox and checkbox in xml-please help me


I have three Listbox on my jsp page.

I want to do following:

ByDefault first list will be filled by database (stored in mysql), When User select something from 1st list box second will fill accordingly by database using jsp.

When user select something from 2nd list, third page contains checkbox which is taken from databases is dispalyed.

After submitting listbox option from first page ,it will stored in XML file and at same time ,it should display second page containing second listlox , also in the second page ,it should display selected listbox from first page. Same with second jsp page.

So we we move to third jsp page it should show 1st and 2nd page's selected listbox as well as checkbox list from database.

and in final page it should display all selected listbox as well as selected multiple checked checkboxes.

Please help in this how to do this.....I am new to java & jsp I need your help.


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